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"Pharmacology", in Michael Gagarin and Elaine Fantham (eds.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press, vol. 5, pp. 239-241.
Alain Touwaide, Natale G. De Santo, Gianni Aliotta, "The Origin of Western Herbal Medicines for Kidney Diseases". Advances in Chronic Kidney Diseases 12(3) (2005), pp. 251-260.
"Pharmaceutic Handbooks", "Pharmacology" and "Pharmacy and Materia Medica", in Thomas Glick, Steven J. Livesey & Faith Wallis (eds.), Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine. An Encyclopedia. New York & London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 393-394, 394-397, and 397-399.
"Medicinal Plants", "Pharmacology", and "Poisons", in vol. 8 (2006), cols. 558-568; vol. 10 (2007), cols. 927-932, and vol. 11 (2007), cols. 450-452.
"Galien et la toxicologie", in Wolfgang Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischer Welt, II, vol. 37. 2. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter Verlag, 1994, pp. 1887-1986.
"La toxicologie dans le «De medicina»: un système asclépiado-méthodique?", in Philippe Mudry & Guy Sabbah (eds.), La médecine de Celse (Centre Jean-Palerne, Mémoires, XI). Saint-Etienne: Presses de l’Université, 1994, pp. 211-256.
"Les techniques antiques de préparation de l’huile en vue de la confection des parfums", in Chantal Kircher-Durand (ed.), Nomina rerum. Hommages J. Mannessy-Guitton. Nice: Presses de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université, 1994, pp. 393-413.
"Les poisons dans le monde antique et byzantin - Introduction à une étude systémique", Revue d’Histoire de la Pharmacie, 290 (1991), pp. 265-281.
"Recherches en histoire de la médecine intéressant la toxicologie depuis 1970", Lettre d’information du Centre Jean-Palerne, 19 (1991), pp. 8-26. Expanded English translation: "Studies in the History of Medicine Concerning Toxicology After 1970", Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Medicine, 20 (1992), pp. 8-33.
- "Le sang de taureau", L’Antiquité Classique, 48 (1979), pp. 5-14.
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- Alain Touwaide receives the 2023 George Urdang Medal
- March 15-19, 2023: Books of Science/Science of the Book - Seminars at the University of Oklahoma
- May 2022: Alain Touwaide is a Visiting Professor at EHESS, in Paris
- Fall 2021: New Course of Ethnobotany at the University of Illinois Chicago
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- Alain Touwaide is the recipient of the 2019 Kremers Award!
- Teaching Mediterranean Medical Traditions at UCLA in 2019
- Visiting Professorship at La Sapienza University, November-December 2018